我要同類!!有沒有別人 跟我一樣很想被安慰 ,有時候 孤單的很 需要另一個同類, 誰愿变成童话里我爱的那个天使 张开双手变成翅膀守护我, 我不难过 这不算什么 只是为什么眼泪会流,开始懂了, 为何总到失去才懂的难过,都是为我的错!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

no boundaries

For those who are still holding on or almost gave up... u must go on... for that one thing!

Want more American Idol videos? Click here.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005



vote for MARVIN! hahaha WOW! suddenly marvin is cool! ahhaha

Saturday, July 02, 2005

a place where they call HOME!

welcome to the underground world... this place reveals the true side of nature. a side where the abondon ones were being accepted, where as though an orphan found his home... its a place where they could take off thier mask and be who they really are- for a few hours. just like cinderrella, where everything turns back to normal at 12... their's were at 4 - 4am.

it took mi a long struggle before i could garnnered all my energy and courage to write this. can't kept things too long in my heart. this underground world i m refering too, belongs to everyone . no one will be rejected, all are welcome, all are accepted. be who u wanna be. no one will laugh at u, coz there will always be someone more CRAZY then u... HOME- thats where it is. . . they found brothers and sisters there. no mum, no dad. perharps, it would be correct to say that we were like unwanted children that found a place to settle down.

somewhere, somehow, some what, the unwanted child lack of, is not just the acceptance byt he society, rather, to find the sense of belonging... where they need not worry that there will be lonely... lonely? yes, perharps loneliness drove these kids in. They were here, to be 'clean', to wash away their loneliness by the sound of music- most importantly, hopefully, by love.

love is a FOUR letter word. could true love be found here? no one can assure u. instant love- YES. long lasting years of love....? ans : perharps, not sure, maybe,abit impossible, good luck.
in search of these four letter word, many had been betrayed by these four letter word. these four letter word (FLW) is commonly used as an excuse for another FLW... ahem. FUCK .. yes-clever.

wat left in them, at the end of the day, is not love, but pieces of broken heart, a shattered dream of FOREVER LOVE.

can't blame them, they are naive, ignorance and pure, some say - they are simply stupid... do u agree? i'm not sure...i'm certainly hopeful to find it, i want to find love... who don't?
but ultimatly after such a 'long' time listening to true life stories...to think that true love exist in this circle, would be....erm...yeah, can't find another word to replace - stupid. (sorry)

certainly, there have been many exception too... many couples got together and "happily ever after"...

more certainly , the percentage of successful case is NELIGIBLE compared to those with tears and broken hearts.

wat causes such a phenomenon?maybe in this place, the love, is blinded by lust, sex, jealousy and domination. . . they can't hold hands when there's light. they can't kiss when doors are open. they can't hug when curtains are not drawn together. they need to hide.

here's the place for them to hide!

HIDE~ ~~~~~~!!!!!!

perharps the onli way i could help, is to pray for them, to find true love and no lonliness.....

.....but who will pray for mi?

inspired by self + NIE ZI

miss ah qing!!!!miss LAO SHU (MOUSE), miss ............

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


梦 天长地久的梦 地老天荒还是梦
天真的我不曾犹豫 我现在只剩下心痛
不曾有过感动 不曾如此怦然心动
飘忽的你就是这样来去匆匆 嗯?
错 告诉我没有错 告诉我该怎么做
不要说得太多 不要说还有很多
寂寞的我 伤心的歌 是谁的错
我试着不再说 这里只有我
日子一样过 一回头尝尽苦果
无法忘记 不知道我该如何哭泣
不知道如何欺骗自己 是否知道只有你
无法忘记 是否所有的点点滴滴和那些醉人却心痛的故事
就在我尽情哭过之后 我就能入睡后忘记 只怕梦到你
 告诉我没有错 告诉我该怎么做
不要说得太多 你不要说还有很多
我试着不再说 这里只有我
日子一样过 一回头尝尽苦果
无法忘记 不知道我该如何哭泣
不知道如何欺骗自己 是否知道只有你
无法忘记 是否所有的点点滴滴和那些醉人却心痛的故事
就在我尽情哭过之后 我就能入睡后忘记 只怕梦到你
我不要 不要 不要
{无法忘记}我不要梦到你 不要梦到你
{无法忘记}伤心的歌 是谁的错


寂寞的我 伤心的歌 是谁的错 ?有沒有別人 跟我一樣很想被安慰 ,有時候 孤單的很 需要另一個同類, 誰愿变成童话里我爱的那个天使 张开双手变成翅膀守护我, 我不难过 这不算什么,,开始懂了…...都是为我的错!

Monday, June 06, 2005


同類!!有沒有別人 跟一樣很想被安慰
,有時候 孤單的很 需要另一個同類,
童话的那个天使 张开双手变成翅膀守护,
不难过 这不算什么 只是为什么眼泪会流,

他不愛我 ... hai ~!

its always like that... its always that ...他不愛我

他不愛我 牽手的時候太冷清 擁抱的時候不夠靠近
他不愛我 說話的時候不夠認真 沈默的時候又太用心

我知道他不愛我 他的眼神 說出他的心
我看透了他的心 還有別人逗留的背影
我看到了他的心 演的全是他和她的電影
他不愛我 儘管如此 他還是贏走了我的心

... *sigh >_<;

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Once upon a time there was an island where allthe feelings lived; Happiness, Sadness,Knowledge, and all the others......, including Love.One day it was announced to all of the feelingsthat the island was going to sink to the bottom ofthe ocean. So all the feelings prepared their boatsto leave. Love was the only one that stayed. Shewanted to preserve the island until the lastpossible moment. When the island was almosttotally under, Love decided it was time to leave.She began looking for someone to ask for help.Just then Richness was passing by in a grandboat. Love asked, "Richness, Can I come with youon your boat?" Richness answered, "I'm sorry, butthere is a lot of silver and gold on my boat andthere would be no room for you." Then Lovedecided to ask Vanity for help who was passing ina beautiful vessel. Love cried out, "Vanity, helpme please." I can't help you", Vanity said, "Youare all wet and will damage my beautiful boat."Next, Love saw Sadness passing by. Lovesaid, "Sadness, please let me go with you."Sadness answered, "Love, I'm sorry, but, I justneed to be alone now." Then, Love sawHappiness. Love cried out, "Happiness, pleasetake me with you." But Happiness was sooverjoyed that he didn't hear Love calling to him.Love began to cry. Then, she heard a voicesay, "Come Love, I will take you with me." It wasan elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed thatshe forgot to ask the elder his name. When theyarri ved on land the elder went on his way. Loverealized how much she owed the elder. Love thenfound Knowledge and asked, "Who was it thathelped me?" "It was Time", Knowledgeanswered. "But why did Time help me when noone else would?", Love asked. Knowledge smiledand with deep wisdom and sincerity,answered, "Because only Time is capable ofunderstanding how great Love is."

HANN: will time makes mi understand wat is love? Will time heal love ?

......... time ..... love ........... IF its so, i shall wait for love, even if it took mi FOREVER to wait ... i'm willing to ... wait ............

Friday, December 24, 2004

this is for someone....

for a person who is waiting... waiting for love, waiting for a rejected love......

... ...Wait ... ...

If its fate that brings us here
Dun let love separates us
If we really mend to be
Lets hope it will last

But why its only me
Wants u more than a friend
But why its u
Put all this to an end

We’ve been through
High mountains and stormy seas
I was there for u
U were there for me !

Instantly I lost u
ur soul, ur breath, ur love
My world stop spinning
Wats happening to the earth!?!

If I know i have a chance
I’ll wait, I’ll anticipate
10 years, 100 years,
love will never be too late

its u who gave me hope
its you who keep me alive
its you who keeps me waiting for tomorrow
i know- tomorrow never dies

IF its only “waiting” I can do
will love turns numb?
Its only waiting for tomorrow
But wat if tomorrow never come?

Will I be able to hear “I LOVE U”
Its stupid – for some.
I shall wait for miracle to come.

-Yit Hann23/12/20043.11am-

Remember ELMO always love u !

Your brother always,
Yit Hann